18 Mar

We've traveled a lot in the past 3 weeks, so I'm sorry for the lack of Blogging. This blog is what we have done mostly in Switzerland, and I will have another blog after this about learning a new language and the hot springs.

The Dolomites:

We went to the Dolomites with our new friend, Lili. And Lili brought 2 other kids too. At The Dolomites, we mostly just skied. But of course that includes hot chocolate, and playing with Lili's dog Simba. We found an ice rink, but not just any old ice rink. It used to be a huge puddle, like the one that sometimes gathers up at school next to the bike racks, which is normally about 10 meters in length at its biggest, for those who didn't know. And this ice rink was about 3 times that size. But it was not quite thick enough to pass the safety limit for skating (6 to 8 inches normally) but  how much damage can 5  kids do to a giant frozen puddle? So we had lots of fun trying to break the ice, and almost falling in. Many times. Don't worry, we were not supervised by an adult.... We even had a safetey plan in case any of the grown-ups spotted us. Go run and hide behind a bush. Also, Simba (the dog) almost fell into the water many times and she can't swim. So we had lots of fun cracking the ice with our boots, and almost dying.


It took us 2 trains to get to Bern. In Bern, The first thing we did was do a walking tour in the poring rain. We learned a lot about old fountains and statues and bears.
Then we went to a small cafe and the bathroom was so...  Weird. The bathroom in the cafe ran from the old sour system, so a path underground. And this bathroom had a glass floor. This meant that the things from the toilet went through a pipe and into a small stone path underground, with the tinyest river that would barley get the waste down.
And you could see it all.

The next day, we didn't do much, but we had dinner with Mama's old student, Mirjam. (Pronounced Miriam).

 The next day, Moss Papa and I went to the communications museum, while Mama was working. There were old phones, puzzles, videos, and funny things about how we communicate with other people. 


We took 2 trains to get to Zermatt. Then we got into hot tubs that were really just big luke-warm baths. They weren't great. We ate cheese fondue for dinner, and giant chunks of meat on a hot stone. The next day, we went all the way to the top of the glacier, And skied. It was very windy, and as we got up, they were closing down all the lifts cause of the wind. We were the last ones on the mountain at that point. Then we did some more skiing and ate chocolate fondue. We skied again the next day, and the other side of the mountain was better.

Grimsel Hospiz:

We took 5 trains, 2 cable cars, and 2 vans through a giant tunnel to get to Grimsel Hospiz. It was very snowy there and we played in the snow the whole time, and had lots of cake, and went into an outdoor hot tub. I built a snowman named Frank, but sadly he got destroyed.

Bern (again) :

We went to Bern again to see a carnival parade. There were lots of baloons, costumes, and confetti.

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