16 Oct

Nobody's ever seen one in real life. They lurk in the shadows, always hunting for lollypops. The FURRY FOOTED MONSTER... 

When I was little, I found a lollypop on the floor in the gym of my school. I thought it would be a nice birthday present for my brother, Butt face. His birthday was only 10 months away...

 When my Mommy picked me up from a long hard day of finger painting at my school I showed her the lollypop I was going to give Butt face. I didn't dare tell her where I had found it or she would be jealous.

After 6 months of hard work on making my brothers birthday card, I had finally completed it.

I walked to school proud that day, with card and present in hand ready to show all my friends. My mom let me walk the 800 miles to school by myself today cause she thought it very kind of me to give Butt face a card and present. 

Suddenly, a shadow passed me at the speed of light, making me jump. I ran as  fast as I could to try and escape it.

4 months passed, and I was as excited as Butt face was. At his birthday, we went swimming, ate cake, had fun, then it was finally time for the presents. Butt face gazed down at the presents with amazement.I'm pretty sure he was most excited for my present, though. He looked at my card.

It read in my best writing:


Butt face,                            

Hapey berthdey ?

Happy Birthday!    

From: Chloe


He took the lollypop off the card, pulled off the wrapper, then stuck it in his mouth quite ferociously and sucked on it like crazy.

I could tell he loved it. I was very proud of myself.

After the party, I told my brother about the shadow I saw, and he explained the story of the furry footed monster. I was glad he didn't steal my lollypop.


                                                  THE END...

                                                  for now...

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