16 Apr

As the current school term in Italy is replaced by the next,  all the activities run by the EUI (European University Institute, the university that Mama works at here in Italy) are ending. In the last few months Papa has been rowing three times a week and Mama has been going to choir practice twice a week. Three to five days ago they both came to a very interesting close.

Papa, who  stopped paddling around for fun and started practising in the eight person boat that he was to compete in two weeks ago, had an amazing boat race, well... it was not a boat race as you would think of it in the usual sense, Papa and his team went as fast as possible on the only eight person boat, then gave it over to the next team who went as fast as possible from stat to finish before giving it to the next team and so on and so on. sadly we were only there for his team's race and the the team after them, then we had to go to Canadian island for an Easter party (that's a story for another time)  he (and his team) were competing against teams from Zagreb, Croatia, Paris, France, and Maastricht, Netherlands. In the end he was one second ahead of the team in second place.

Mama, who dipite all the work that she has been doing managed to consistently go to practises, and even practice at home from time to time, was amazing at her concert, of course I couldn't hear her specifically, but i thought her choir did quite well. She actually had two concerts, we did not go to the first one and Mama said that the other coir from bern (we have also been therebut that's also a diferent story) that they were preforming with was beter that them but when i lisened to her and the other coir i thought that her coir was might have even been beter that the other one 

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